Julia Eisenmann
Executive Assistant at Jung von Matt / Neckar
Stuttgart, Germany
TitleRESISTRUMENTS – Instruments made from Weapons (154s)
BriefRESISTRUMENTS – Instruments built from war weapons. A violin from a rocket warhead, a cello from parts of a missile launcher, a guitar from a canister once used to refuel Russian tanks. Built and played by Ukrainian children and teenagers during the first workshops in the new Creative Hub.What started as a workshop turned into a campaign. With support posters in the ArtHelps shop, teaser clips on social media, in a moving composition by the Austrian-Russian violinist Yury Revich, produced with the support of the Pop Academy, Germany and finally: presented in a music video. Within a few weeks, not only thousands of new followers, interactions, and reports in international media were generated – but also over €100,000 in donations.The project receives prominent support from singer Rea Garvey, popular German TV hosts and shows, like Dr. Eckard von Hirschhausen, National tv and radio coverage a.o. ARD&ZDF, politicians like the Mayor of Stuttgart, Frank Nopper, and brands like the Porsche AG.Due to the success, in 2024, the campaign continues with Resistruments On Tour, choir workshops, and the documentation of the progress at the Creative Hub Kiev. With this project, the young people in the workshop got a brief respite from the relentless grip of war.
Campaign Resistruments
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