Clémentine Laurent
Project Manager at Gang Life
Paris, France
TitleClicks of Temptation 3
Title (original language)Les Clics de la Tentation
Campaign Clickbait
Advertiser Sidaction
Brand Sidaction
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2023 / 12
Business Sector Disease Awareness, Support Groups & Associations
Philosophy Sidaction, France's leading organisation in the fight against HIV, and its agency The Good Company launch clickbait campaign to correct misconceptions about HIV/AIDS Misconceptions about HIV/AIDS are growing, especially among young people. One in three young people believe that there is a vaccine to prevent transmitting the virus or that it is curable. To right those wrongs, French NGO Sidaction and its agency The Good Company launched "Les Clics de la Tentation” (“Clicks of Temptation"), an awareness-raising campaign that uses clickbait content to combat preconceptions and prejudices. An alarming rise in the number of preconceived notions about HIV and AIDS. According to a survey conducted by Ifop on behalf of Sidaction, among young people aged 15 to 24, preconceived ideas about HIV/AIDS continue to thrive and are even making historic progress (indicators are at their worst level since 2009). 30% of young people believe that the AIDS virus can be transmitted by kissing an HIV-positive person (+13 points compared to 2022). A quarter believe that HIV is transmitted by sitting on a public toilet seat (+ 8 points), drinking from the same cup as someone with HIV (+ 10 points) or sharing a dish (+10 points)[1]. At a time when the distinction between what's true and what's false is becoming increasingly blurred on social media and online, and when the majority of young people[2] believe untruths and fake news, Sidaction is determined to put a stop to false information and preconceived notions, believing that information - the right information - is essential for protecting one’s self from HIV/AIDS and risky practices. But online, information about HIV/AIDS isn’t finding a receptive audience, with a large majority of young people (incorrectly) claiming they know enough (79%). With this in mind, The Good Company decided to create a clickbait campaign to raise awareness. Copying the clickbait codes Who hasn’t fought the temptation to click on a clickbait headline, sometimes funny, sometimes trashy, always provocative … and often, fake? Created by The Good Company, the Sidaction "Clicks of Temptation" campaign was designed to generate discussion by mimicking clickbait codes and content, and to counter preconceived notions about HIV/AIDS. With the participation of French singer/actress Shy'm (905K followers) and influencer Shera Kerienski (1.4M followers), the campaign mirrors the most clicked content with 5 short videos: Reality TV show clash Shera introducing a brand new, miraculous product, a patch that gives you an orgasm in seconds Viral video of a fan approaching Shy’m in a restaurant Adorable dog who knows how to talk iPhone video showing teenage couple driving at night spotting the ghost of the White Lady Each video begins as the tantalizing headline promises, and is soon interrupted when a Sidaction scientist steps in to share vital information about treating and preventing HIV/AIDS. Orchestrated by, the media strategy was designed to use the formats that generate the most clicks and deliver the right "clickbait” content in the right place, at the right time, on digital and social networks: native ads, digital banners, teaser videos, pre-rolls... The entire campaign can be found on a dedicated website,, providing access to reliable resources on the prevention and transmission of the virus. Kicking off on World Aids Day, December 1, the campaign garnered 3M € in earned media and 264 impressions and impressions. Most importantly, the campaign received 8.8 M clicks and, to date, has driven over 105,000 visits to the site.
Media Type Social Media
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