Percy Rocha
Creative Director at Circus Grey
Lima, Peru
Campaign Natural Intelligence
Advertiser Nikon
Brand Nikon
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2023 / 6
Business Sector Cameras & Video Cameras
Tagline Don't give up on the real world
Story Artificial Intelligence is trending. Millions of people around the world are obsessed with creating incredible surreal images of everything you can imagine, just by entering a few keywords. We've all seen the mind-blowing images of Donald Trump being caught by the police, the pope modeling like a fashion campaign, the selfies from the last dinner, or the non-existent surreal landscapes. But this obsession with the artificial and synthetic is making us forget that our world is full of surprising places that are often much more impressive than fiction. For photographers and image creators, this context is complicated, because digital technology is slowly displacing artisan art and, in some cases, it directly affects their work and earnings. Can we stand up against this trend and revalue the real world and photography? That's why it was important to Nikon to remind people that nature and the natural world can defy our imagination and that the best way to capture it is to shoot it with a great camera.
Media Type Print
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