Integrated Marketing Communications European Awards (formerly PMC Awards) / IMC European Awards Winners

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Product Launch/Relaunch/Trial campaigns
2009 Integrated Marketing Communications Council of Europe - Silver - Product Launch/Relaunch/Trial campaigns

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AGENCY: Lowe DraftFcb
BRAND: Film Theatre De Uitkijk
YEAR: 2009
CATEGORY: Product Launch/Relaunch/Trial campaigns
AWARD: Silver

2009 Integrated Marketing Communications Council of Europe - Silver - Product Launch/Relaunch/Trial campaigns

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AGENCY: Lowe DraftFcb
BRAND: De Uitkijk
YEAR: 2009
CATEGORY: Product Launch/Relaunch/Trial campaigns
AWARD: Silver

2009 Integrated Marketing Communications Council of Europe - Silver - Product Launch/Relaunch/Trial campaigns
2009 Integrated Marketing Communications Council of Europe - Bronze - Product Launch/Relaunch/Trial campaigns
2009 Integrated Marketing Communications Council of Europe - Bronze - Product Launch/Relaunch/Trial campaigns
2009 Integrated Marketing Communications Council of Europe - Bronze - Product Launch/Relaunch/Trial campaigns
2009 Integrated Marketing Communications Council of Europe - Bronze - Product Launch/Relaunch/Trial campaigns
2009 Integrated Marketing Communications Council of Europe - Bronze - Product Launch/Relaunch/Trial campaigns
2009 Integrated Marketing Communications Council of Europe - Bronze - Product Launch/Relaunch/Trial campaigns