Olivier Reinsbach
Advertising Manager at SNCF
Boulogne-Billancourt, France
TitleEurope is Just Next Door
Title (original language)L'Europe, c'est la porte à côté
Campaign Europe is Just Next Door
Advertiser SNCF
Brand SNCF
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2013 / 10
Business Sector Airlines, Airports, Railways, Bus Lines, Ferries & Cruises
Story Bystanders were able to play with a mime artist in Milan, have their portraits drawn in Brussels, dance with a hip-hop crew in Barcelona, share a romantic boat ride on Geneva Lake, and join a group of young Germans on a bike ride across Stuttgart. These interactive and fun experiences not only created multicultural links among Europeans, but also enabled us all to realize that at the end of the day, Europe it’s just next door.
Story (original language) Jouer avec un mime à Milan, se faire dessiner le portrait par un caricaturiste à Bruxelles, danser avec un groupe de hip-hop à Barcelone, partager une balade en barque sur le lac Léman à Genève avec un couple d’amoureux ou encore se balader en vélo à travers la ville de Stuttgart avec de jeunes allemands. Autant de situations interactives et ludiques qui ont permis de créer des liens transculturels entre européens, et de faire prendre conscience à tous que l’Europe, finalement, c’est la porte à côté. 
Media Type Interactive Outdoor Experience
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Creative Director
Art Director
Agency Producer
Agency Producer
Agency Producer
Post Production
Post Production
Production Company
Director of Photography (DOP)
Post Production FIRM
Post Production Else
Sound Design Company
Sound Design Company
Editing Company
Editing Company


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