Rob Sweetman
Executive Creative Director at One Twenty Three West
Vancouver, Canada
Campaign Logging more than trees
Advertiser Living Forest Institute
Brand The Only Animal
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2021 / 3
Business Sector Environmental & Animal Issues
Tagline We're logging more than our old-growth trees.
Story Old growth forests offer ancient tree structures that are black bears’ preferred habitats for winter denning, birthing, and early rearing of cubs. So, when we log old-growth forests, we take the bears with them - and much of that lumber is being shipped overseas to make cheap furniture. This idea shows people what they’re really buying when they get products made from old-growth forests - and then show them how they can help stop it: sign the petition at Ancient Forest Alliance to help stop logging BC’s old growth forests, and help save the black bears that live in them.
Media Type Print
Art Director
Creative Director
Creative Director

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