Hercules Florence
Copywriter at FabraQuinteiro
São Paulo, Brazil
Title (original language)Lapis
Campaign Pencil
Advertiser Instituto de Pesquisas Ecologicas
Brand Ipê
PostedDecember 2008
Business Sector Environmental & Animal Issues
Story A campaign that shows common objects suffering the same attacks that the man makes to nature.
Story (original language) Uma campanha que mostra objetos comuns sofrendo os mesmos ataques que o homem faz à natureza.
Philosophy Using common objects of daily life to show the impacts of the destruction of nature as felt by the objects. The campaign is created with appealing beauty and strong appearance that calls for attention to the problems of deforestation.
Philosophy (original language) Usando objetos comuns do cotidiano e fazendo com que os impactos da destruição da natureza sejam sentidos por eles, criamos uma campanha com beleza e apelo visual forte que chama a atençao para os problemas do desmatamento.
Problem To inform people on the risks of deforestation and to make them aware of the impacts of simple things on daily life.
Problem (original language) Conscientizar as pessoas sobre os riscos do desmatamento e fazer com que elas identifiquem os impactos em coisa simples do seu cotidiano.
Media Type Print
Creative Director
Art Director
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