In 1996 Juraj founded MADE BY VACULIK - one of the leading independent advertising agencies in the CEE region, extending its reach to over 30 countries. During his advertising career, he spearheaded regional campaigns for global companies and brands like T-Mobile, IKEA, Dell, Panasonic, GSK, SAB/Miller, Raiffeisen Bank or Mercedes-Benz. He helped to build a brand of the top Dutch financial institution Aegon (TransAmerica Company) in China or revive the Rémy-Cointreau / Metaxa brand among the public on 17 European markets. Under his leadership agency has won more than 200 advertising awards for creativity and campaign efficiency including EPICA, N.Y. Festival, Cresta, Eurobest, LIAA, Golden Drum and EFFIE among others. Juraj is a very well known leader, used to lead projects with big ideas which make the change happen.