Rory Hamilton
Chief Creative Officer at Boys and Girls
Dublin, Ireland
TitleNot Just Any Bank "Holiday"
Campaign Not Just Any Bank
Advertiser RaboDirect
Brand RaboDirect Ireland
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2015
Business Sector Banking & Financial Services, Investments, Stock Brokers
Philosophy Not all banks are the same, like not all colleges, builders and travel agents are the same. You shouldn’t just put your money in any bank, for the same reason that you wouldn’t leave your kids with just anyone or let just anyone re-design your house or balance your books or fix the wiring in your home. Not making a decision and defaulting to save with your everyday bank is a bad decision. You need a bank that specialises in and is dedicated to savings and investments. A bank you can trust with your money. That’s not just any bank, that’s RaboDirect. 
Media Type Television & Cinema
Creative Director
Art Director
Account Director
Account Manager
Agency Producer
Production Company
Production Company Producer
Production Company Producer
Post Production Company
Director of Photography (DOP)
Sound Engineer
Music, Radio and Sound Design
Agency Planner
Agency Production Coordinator


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