Nicolas Martinie

Nicolas Martinie

Senior Creative at CANAL+
Paris, France

About me

Graduated from ESAG Penninghen in 2003 with a master's degree in marketing (ESLSCA 1998 alumni), I started in advertisement in 2003 as an art director. My skills extend as much as print, film, web, digital or street marketing. After having taken up arms at DDB Paris, I moved from 2006 to Agence .V.. Since July 2012 as a FreeLance, I work regularly in agency, while developing more personal projects (in video as a director and in photo shooting).
Today Senior Creative at CANAL Brand Factory, I am in charge of the conception and the art direction of the division dedicated to the brand content, to the special operations and to CANAL+ group diversification. My mission : to offer, thanks to all the means of writing, incarnation and production of the group brand content content videos, digital, events and ensure their amplification on the multichannel broadcast ecosystem CANAL+ group.


Senior Creative
June 2017 - December 2022 (5 years 6 months)
Conception et Direction Artistique au sein de Canal Brand Factory (Groupe CANAL+), pôle dédié aux contenus de marques, aux opérations spéciales et à la diversification du groupe.
Mission : proposer grâce à l'ensemble des moyens d'écriture, d'incarnation et de production du groupe des solutions brand content vidéo, digitales, événementielles et assurer leur amplification sur l'écosystème de diffusion multi-écrans du groupe CANAL+
Art Director
Saint-Ouen, France
July 2006 - July 2012 (6 years)
Art Director (Film, Print, Web, Digital media)
Volkswagen, Skoda, Gan, Murat Paris, Bosch, Butagaz, Bwin, Neuf Telecom...
Art Director
Paris, France
September 2004 - August 2006 (1 year 11 months)
Art Direction, conception, graphic design, illustration...
Lactel, Nike, Tropicana, Audi, Givenchy, L'Artisanat, Stihl Viking, Schwartzkopf, Neutrogenat, Roc...
Art Director
August 2003 - June 2004 (10 months)
Freelance Art Director with or without copywriter (Film, Print, Web, Digital media)

Agencies : BETC Euro RSCG, McCann Erickson, Agence H, Digitas, 5ème Gauche, L'adresse Commune, Zone Franche...
Brands : Peugeot, Citroën, Volvo, Seat, Toyota, Nissan, Nespresso, Loréal, Mondelez, Harris, Martini, Nutella...



May 2011 - May 2012 (1 year)
Formation continue professionnelle : - Fonctionnement et pratique de la chambre argentique / numérique - La photographie de studio, le portrait, la photographie de mode, le reportage

Master Graphic Design

January 1998 - January 2003 (5 years)

Master Business School (Marketing option)

January 1995 - January 1998 (3 years)

HEC Préparatory Class Préparatory Class

January 1993 - January 1995 (2 years)

Trade Organizations

Collectif des Usagers du Train Clermont-Paris

Responsable Communication & Medias
December 2022 - Present (2 years 3 months)

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