Tuuli Kahma

Tuuli Kahma

Owner at Breezeway Oy, Espoo
Espoo, Finland

About me

This profile was created because Tuuli Kahma has been referenced on AdForum.


Espoo, Finland
August 2002 - Present (22 years 7 months)
Well-rounded generalist in marketing. I have lots of experience from different challenges with brands, sales and organizing it all. Specialized in finding modern marketing talent who are able to give a valuable contribution to respective businesses. I have assisted companies in making marketing work for business objectives in complex and demanding environments.
Looking for partners in the modern marketing community be it strategy, communication, PR, design, media, innovation. Agency searches, evaluations, remuneration. Marketing recruitements especially for senior positions.
Agency Search Consultancy
Espoo, Finland
August 2002 - Present (22 years 7 months)
Advising companies on selection and remuneration of marketing partners.
Owner and MD
Espoo, Finland
August 2002 - Present (22 years 7 months)
Marketing Manager, Sales Manager
Sanoma Corporation
January 1985 - February 2001 (16 years 1 month)


Master of business administration Field Of Study Marketing, marketing law

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