Tim Francis
Producer at Great Guns
New York, United States
Title2050 (120s)
Campaign 2050
Advertiser Breast Cancer Now
Brand Breast Cancer Now
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2017 / 11
Business Sector Public Safety, Health & Hygiene
Story Over a series of days, a little girl studies complex science textbooks, watches quantum theory videos, and raids the house for objects to use in her special project. In the final reveal, the girl wakes up her mother, who has breast cancer, and leads her inside the time machine she's built. The girl sets the dial to 2050. Because Breast Cancer Now's aim is that by 2050, everyone who develops breast cancer will live.
Philosophy Great Guns and Director Duncan Christie deliver a heart wrenching and moving campaign film, ‘2050’, to promote and raise funds for the UK’s largest breast cancer charity, Breast Cancer Now. The film follows a young girl on a secret mission – the purpose of which isn’t revealed to the viewer until the very end. Over a series of days, we see the tiny trooper determinedly studying complex science textbooks, watching quantum theory videos, and raiding the house for objects to use in her special project. In the final reveal, the girl wakes up her mother, who has breast cancer - and leads her inside a ‘time machine’ that she has made from cardboard and household items. As mother and daughter sit in the makeshift machine together, the girl turns the dial from 2017 to 2050. The film closes with Breast Cancer Now’s aim that by 2050, everyone who develops breast cancer will live. The message of the film is that for some, including the family portrayed in this film, the year 2050, can’t come soon enough. Great Guns’ Duncan Christie directed the bittersweet film – skilfully striking the perfect balance in tone between heart-breaking and empowering. Commenting on the project, Duncan says: “My aim was to build up a sense of intrigue to draw in the audience, making the final reveal all the more impactful. We kept the visual tone hopeful as we wanted to focus on the optimism of our young hero. We also felt the story would benefit from a naturalistic approach. In order to capture off-the-cuff, ‘snatched’ moments in the life of this family, we chose to improvise at times, leaving room for spontaneity during the shoot. “In order to tell this story truthfully, we had to get into [actor] Jessica’s mind-set,” Duncan continues. “As one expects for a film so heavily reliant on a child actor’s performance, our casting process was exhaustive. We saw a lot of great young actresses but Jessica had that spark which ultimately made her the only choice. She has the emotional intelligence and charisma to a carry a film of this weight."
Result ‘2050’ is now live on ITV. Breast Cancer Now is the UK’s largest breast cancer charity, dedicated to funding research into this devastating disease. For more information, please visit breastcancernow.org.
Media Type Television
Production Company
Editing Company
Executive Producer
Director of Photography
Production Designer
Casting Director
Director of Photography (DOP)

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