President of Giovanni+Draftfcb in Brazil and of Draftfcb for Latin America, Aurelio worked in the marketing departments of such companies as IBM, Shell and Banco Nacional. In 1995, he was invited to chair Datamidia and in just over five years, he turned the company into the first relationship marketing agency in Brazil. With over 20 years in operation, Datamidia develops relationship marketing strategies integrating digital, direct and database marketing. Over 20 loyalty projects have been created, including Shell’s and Varig Smiles. In 2006, when Draft and FCB merged worldwide, Aurelio took over his current position. Aurelio has a Degree in Statistics (Ence-RJ), a Graduate Degree in Economic Engineering (UFRJ) and an Executive MBA from Coppead/UFRJ. He has taught MBA courses at major universities in Brazil: Ibmec, FGV, Coppead/UFRJ and NCE/UFRJ. in addition, Aurelio is a speaker on direct marketing, relationship marketing and database marketing at several local and international conferences.