Herminio is 51 years old.
He has a degree in Social Communication from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
He is director of the newspapers Briefing, Advocatus, Fibra and Store, in their print and online versions (Briefing, Advocatus and Store), only online (Fibra).
He began his career as a journalist at the weekly O Jornal, in 1986.
He held leadership and management roles at Fortunas & Negócios magazine, Semanário Económico, Diário Digital, Diário Económico and newspaper i.
He was press advisor for the Ministry of Internal Administration (1995-97).
He was a communication advisor for the ESCOM group (2005-2009). Responsible for the entire area of internal and external communication and social responsibility.
Collaborator and author/co-author of several books on gold coins, fiduciary paper, the business class after the 25th of April and Angola.
He was a professor of Digital Journalism at Universidade Lusófona.