Laura Chiavone

Laura Chiavone

Teacher - Bootcamp for Account Planning at Miami Ad School
São Paulo, Brazil

About me

Strategist, instructor and cultural hacker. I believe on inspirational strategic thinking as a result of the combination of deepness, innovation and people. That’s because my professional journey has being anchored on a solid academic performance, entrepreneurship and a constant participation on the development of the Brazilian planning market. At DM9DDB I lead a team of more than 20 planners and as a member of the agency's board I manage the business focused on results, inspiration and future vision. Before joining DM9DDB, I founded and managed Limo Inc for 7 years, one of the most prestigious trend & strategy consultancies of Brazil, developing projects of research and innovation for Heineken, Nike, J&J, Mondelez and Fiat. An amazing entrepreneur journey. Previously, I worked as a planner for top agencies of Brazil for ten years. I have a major in Social Sciences by University of Sao Paulo and I'm a graduate student of Berlin School of Creative Leadership in Germany. Besides, I love to teach Planning at Miami Ad School for the past 11 years and I have good memories about the time I was coordinator of the Bootcamp for Account Planners. In 2014, It was an honor to be invited by Berlin School to lecturer for the “See It, Be It” participants of Cannes Lions programme. I'm also proud to lecture at the top Brazilian universities, national events and international events as Cannes Lions, where I presented the workshop “How To Sell My Stuff in 2033” in 2013 and the “Exploiting Brazilian Creativity” in 2014, as part of the Brazil Day line up. I'm honored to have being awarded the Planner Young Lion Brazil in 2004, Planner of The Year by the Brazilian Advertising Association in 2013 and Planner of The Year by the Association of Advertising Professionals in 2014. I'm interested and involved on initiatives regarding gender inequality around the world and how we can foster technology and innovation methodologies to create solutions for society.


Teacher - Bootcamp for Account Planning
Miami Ad School
2004 - Present (21 years 2 months)
As a teacher at Miami Ad School São Paulo for the past eleven years I'm working with the school to develop the Planning programme year by year, including new themes, subjects and issues to be adressed by the whole content and dynamics.
EVP, Head of Strategy
São Paulo, Brazil
September 2013 - August 2016 (2 years 11 months)
Leading a team of 22 planners, developing strategic project for clients as Banco Itaú, J&J, Walmart, Whirlpool, BRF, Ambev, Grupo CRM, among others. Our work focuses both in-depth understanding the brands ecosystems and to lead strategic projects within the marketing complex universe. Moreover, I'm working with international teams from DDB and Omnicom developing multi-nacional and cultural projects: research projects, innovation, brand strategy, digital and the implementation of new business units of the network.
Member of the Advisory Board
Account Planning Group Brazil
March 2013 - March 2015 (2 years)
As a member of the advisory board, I have the duty of point to the executive members of APG Brazil issues, questions and good practices in order to help them develop the association's projects and commitments within it's associates. As a former VP of Finance, I bring to the board experience with cash flow of the association, commercial practices, selection of the volunteers directors as well as projects to raise resources and sponsorships. I'm now involved on the long term finance project of the APG Brazil, collaborating with the new finance team.
Founder CEO, CSO
Limo Inc
January 2007 - September 2013 (6 years 8 months)
Behavioral and culture research design firm. At Limo we generate consumer insights, content from experts and trend analysis. We develop inovation and communication projects to collaborate with brands' strategies and planning. Also, we create collaborative and social projects, in order to understand our society, culture and macro trends. Among our clients we have Heineken, Mondelez, C&A, Bayer, J&J, Sky and Fiat.
Finance Director
Account Planning Group Brazil
April 2011 - March 2013 (1 year 11 months)
The main challenges I faced as Finance Director was to help the association to growth, create new initiatives and events within the market and manage a fragmented cash flow to raise the biggest Planning Conference of Latin America in 2012 with more than 700 participants.
Academic Coordinator - Bootcamp for Account Planning
Miami Ad School
January 2006 - September 2012 (6 years 8 months)
At Miami Ad School Sao Paulo, I was responsible for managing the programme content, the teachers' selection and the choice of themes of classes and seminars.
Planning Director
São Paulo, Brazil
2005 - 2006 (1 year)
At AlmapBBDO I was the planner responsible for directing two important brand groups: Carrefour and Bayer Brazil. For Carrefour I designed and implemented a 8 months project to develop the 360o strategic planning for the brand and all of it's business in Brazil for 2007. The planning project was leaded for me and for the Carrefour's brand director and the outcome was 100% approved for Carrefour's CMO and President along with the agency's board. For Bayer I leaded the planning work for repositioning of Aspirina in Brazil, analyzing a big amount of data from the company, the market, competitors and consumer behavior. This project facilitated the new positioning of the brand and oriented the new creative and media strategy.
Planning Director and Group Planning Director
Sandton, South Africa
2002 - 2005 (3 years)
As Sr. Account Planner at Y&R, I leaded an strategic team responsible for brands as such as Telefonica, Danone, Colgate, Kraft Foods and Casas Bahia. I was responsible for the strategic development of communication and branding of Casas Bahia, the major retail chain for electronics of Brazil (I won the Young Lions Award 2004 for this work). I leaded the successful pitch of Pfizer corporate and Viagra, winning the communication, digital and media account . I also managed strategic plannings for brands of Telefonica and Kraft Foods, with high performance results in different kpi's as such innovation, awards and sales.
Planning Vice President
São Paulo, Brazil
Laura Chiavone leads a team of 15 planners structured into teams dedicated to clients from the agency. Before joining DM9DDB, she founded and managed for 7 years Limo Inc, one of the most recognized branding and brand strategy consultancies in Brazil, developing national and international projects on research and innovation for Fiat, Honda, Nike, Renault, Luxxotica Paris, J&J, Heineken and others. Before her own business, Laura ran and integrated for 10 years the planning teams of important agencies of the country, such as AlmapBBDO, Y&R and Ogilvy. Among the major categories served there are retail automobile market, telecommunications, fashion, electronics, food and beauty. She graduated in Social Sciences from USP, mastering in Creative Leadership from Berlin School The International ADC Institute, and is an academic coordinator and professor at Miami Ad School/ESPM for 10 years, former Finance Vice President and current member of the APG Brazil’s Advisory Board. She got the 2004 Planning Young Lion and participated in the jury for the past nine years. Lecturer at major universities in the country and in international events, such as the 2013 Cannes Lions. 


Master of Business Administration (EMBA), Organizational Leadership

2013 - 2017 (4 years)

2014 - 2015 (1 year)

major, Social Sciences

1996 - 2002 (6 years)

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