Shelley Lui
Creative Director at INNOCEAN Europe
Berlin, Germany
TitleThe AI D-Day
Campaign Capa by AI
Advertiser Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Centre
Brand Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Centre
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2023 / 5
Business Sector Museums & Monuments
Philosophy Innocean Berlin has launched a new campaign to promote the world’s first permanent exhibition of photography by the legendary Robert Capa. The campaign, created for the Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center in Budapest, takes a fresh perspective on the conversation gripping the creative world right now: AI generated images. Innocean has produced a series of images contrasting the powerful photographs taken by Capa with versions produced by an AI image generator which is fed a description of the original photo. Capa’s celebrated photo of a shaved woman being followed by a police officer and a huge crowd during WW2 is placed alongside a poorly executed version generated using AI. Other famous Capa shots are also placed next to clumsy AI-generated versions. Each image ends with the line: “Machines don’t see the world as humans do.” Hungarian-American war photographer and photojournalist Robert Capa is considered one of the greatest photojournalists of all time. He once said: “If your pictures aren't good enough, you aren't close enough”. Capa believed that the photographer's mission was to be right next to the action, witnessing life. The campaign leans into this belief, highlighting the importance of the human eye and the photographer’s interaction with real-life situations – something AI can never replicate. While some see AI as the future of image generation, the campaign aims to demonstrate that the value of human photography outweighs the benefits offered by this technology. Capa was the only photographer landing with the first wave of troops on Omaha Beach to document D-Day and throughout his career he captured extraordinary images of combat, producing images of the Spanish Civil War, Chinese resistance to Japan and World War II as well as events including the founding of Israel in 1948, the first Indochina war and documenting film productions. The ad campaign launches on May 22nd in Europe, predominantly in Hungary, and the exhibition launches on June 6th at the Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center in Budapest.
Media Type Digital
Market Hungary
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