Alex Speakman

Alex Speakman

Managing Partner & Director of Strategy at Saatchi & Saatchi Melbourne
Sydney, Australia


Managing Partner & Director of Strategy, Melbourne
Sydney, Australia
December 2014 - Present (10 years 3 months)
Managing Partner helping lead the establishment of our Melbourne office in January 2015, now with 40+ staff. Director of Strategy in Melbourne overseeing Bank of Melbourne, Toyota, Devondale & Mondelez.
Strategic Planning Director
Saatchi & Saatchi, Melbourne
March 2013 - Present (12 years)
Strategic lead on Cadbury & Big W, working across clients including St.George Bank & Toyota.
Senior Strategic Planner
Saatchi & Saatchi
September 2011 - Present (13 years 6 months)
Strategic lead on Cadbury & BigW. Integral part of new business wins including BigW & St.George Bank.
Senior Strategic Planner
Sydney, Australia
January 2011 - September 2011 (8 months)
Short but successful stint, helping lead growth of the Melbourne office from 4 to 30+ people. New business wins including Kmart & Leggo's, and strategy lead on Simplot.
Strategic Planner
Sydney, Australia
January 2010 - January 2011 (1 year)
Strategic lead on the Toyota account, also working across clients including Cadbury, UNSW & Lexus.
Strategic Planner
Pyrmont, Australia
October 2007 - December 2009 (2 years 2 months)
Key clients included: St.George Bank, Visa, Singapore Airlines, the ABC & Playstation.
Qualitative Researcher
Sweeney Research
May 2003 - June 2007 (4 years 1 month)
Key clients included: Carlton United Breweries, Nestle, City of Melbourne, IBM, Simplot, Victorian State Government & Cadbury Schweppes


BA (hons) - 20th Century Australian History

1999 - 2002 (3 years)

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