Laura Mckinlay
Managing Partner at McCann Manchester
Macclesfield, United Kingdom
TitleChristmas 2022
Campaign Kevin the Carrot 2022
Advertiser Aldi
Brand Aldi
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2022 / 11
Business Sector Department Stores, Supermarkets
Tagline Christmas. Let's do it.
Story Created by McCann UK the ad that breaks on ITV tonight during I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, opens with Katie, Baby Jasper and Chantenay hurrying through a busy airport as they race to catch a flight to Paris. Once they are sitting happily on the plane, Katie notices that someone is missing…it’s ’KEVIN!’.Separated from his family, the scene cuts to Kevin, who is Home Alone. He is watching the big game on TV, when he hears heavy footsteps of an unknown intruder on the roof.‘Quaking in his roots’, he devises a plan to warn off the uninvited guest. What follows is a series of fun, incident-packed exchanges between Kevin and the intruder - culminating in a finale where the identity of the intruder is finally revealed.
Media Type Web Film
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