Inge Barkmeijer

Inge Barkmeijer

Lecturer Marketing & MarCom at The Hague University of Applied Sciences


Lecturer Marketing & MarCom
The Hague, Netherlands
September 2007 - Present (17 years 5 months)
Develop a minor in experience marketing
Co-develop a minor in digital marketing
Coordinator minor social media marketing & content marketing
Train people in creative thinking
Teach strategic marketing planning, marketing communications, branding, citymarketing, cross cultural communications
Docent marketing en marketingcommunicatie
The Hague, Netherlands
2006 - Present (19 years 1 month)
Marketing, marketingcommunicatie, consumentengedrag, branding, belevenismarketing, socialmediamarketing, contentmarketing, trainingen creatief denken
Projectleider instroommanagement
Breda, Netherlands
2003 - 2006 (3 years)
Vanuit de afdeling kennis, innovatie & kwaliteit:
-Aantonen dat instroommanagement van waarde is voor de hogeschool.
-Subsidietrajecten toegankelijker maken, trainingen verzorgen, analyse en rapportage aansluit- en exitonderzoek onder de studenteninstroom.
Relatiebeheer, deelname aan landelijke netwerken, onderzoek, organisatie studiedagen, etc.
Marketing Medewerker
Triam Kennismanagement
1999 - 2001 (2 years)
Externe en interne communicatie. Strategische marketingplannning + tactische uitwerking, e-commerce, nieuwsbrieven, organisatie congressen, marktanalyse en -onderzoek.
1997 - 1999 (2 years)
Business Support Centre
Shell (SIEP)
1996 - 1999 (3 years)


Masterclass "In Beeld"

2014 (1 year)

Workshop Columns en Blogs schrijven

2014 (1 year)

Trainer creatieve denktechnieken

2012 (1 year)

MComn, International Communication Management

2008 - 2010 (2 years)
research for my two clients: 1. International students performing team project work succesfully 1. Looking for the ideal customer profile in the UK and Netherlands 2. Social media trend report (UK, NL and Germany) 3. Brand activation (UK, NL and Germany)

BBA, Commerciële Economie

1989 - 1994 (5 years)

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