Juan della Torre

Juan della Torre

CEO at La Machi - Communication for Good Causes at La Machi
Barcelona Area, Spain, Spain

About me

Hi, my name is Juan and I´m an advertising social entrepreneur. I help brands and NGOs to find blue oceans in communications.

I´m a lawyer, Marketing MBA, among other things I studied. I´ve been working in mobile marketing and creative advertising for the last 10 years. At McCann Erickson and Timwe I helped brands like MasterCard, Santander, DirecTV to achieve their communication goals.

In 2012, after a professional, personal and real peregrination, I found the job of my dreams. With one of the art directors I admire the most, we started La Machi, an international creative boutique for Good Causes. We have been helping Pope´s Worldwide Prayer Network - AP, the Administration of National Parks (Arg), commercial companies among others awesome institutions to build a strong relationship with their customers, followers and beneficiaries.

I have two passions: social communication and fighting the good fight. Whatever the position, job or task I assume: that will be my battlefield. Armed with a Mac, tons of fresh ideas and a bunch of crazy fellows, we´ll just try to do the best, not for us, but for the Good Causes. We simply love things well done.


CEO & Founder
La Machi Communication for Good Causes
2012 - Present (13 years 2 months)


MBA in Marketing

Creatividad Publicitaria


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