Laura Janness

Laura Janness

Co-Founder and CSO at Orchard
New York , United States


Co-Founder and CSO
Brooklyn, United States
2019 - Present (6 years)
A meat and potato midwesterner with an unstoppable work ethic.
Named one of Campaign Magazine’s 40 OVER 40 in 2020, Business Insider’s 30 MOST CREATIVE WOMEN IN ADVERTISING, 2016. And Adweek’s 50 VITAL LEADERS IN TECH, MEDIA AND MARKETING, 2015. Formerly strategist at Leo Burnett Detroit and Deutsch LA, strategy director at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners and Google Creative Lab and chief strategy officer at Barton F. Graf. Trained data analyst and moderator. An expert in designing and fielding creative research methodologies. Research can be best friends with creativity when it’s loved and understood. Better inputs lead to better outputs. Hardworking volunteer for the Isabella Geriatric Center and City Meals in NYC. 

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