Alex Ademà
Creative Director at DDB Madrid
Madrid, Spain
TitleStrelka's legacy
Title (original language)El legado de Strelka
Campaign In the footsteps of Strelka
Advertiser Audi
Brand Audi
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2017 / 12
Business Sector Automotive
Philosophy A short film documentary about the searching of the currents descendants of the Soviet space heroin, Strelka. A Russian stray dog who became the first living being to return from space This documentary reveals an exciting true story, told by those who experienced it in person. An exciting journey that begins in the turbulent Cold War and ends in the present day. From the stratosphere to Missouri, passing through the Kremlin, the White House and the glamorous Hollywood of the 1960s. The documentary appears on, a digital platform where you can see as well a viral video that recreates Strelka's great-great-grandson’s tribute to his admired grandmother. Site:
Media Type Television & Cinema
General Creative Director
Executive Creative Director
Creative Director
Creative Director
Art Director
Production Company
Executive Producer
Film Director
Film Director
Director of Photography (DOP)

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