Wilson Moreira

Wilson Moreira

Research Assistant at UP Partner
Lisbon, Portugal

About me

I'm a Psychology MSc with a passion for marketing, strategic planning and research methodologies. I believe psychology can provide insights that help build or improve brand experiences, increase sales and boost brand loyalty.

  • Portuguese - Native
  • English - Pro


Junior Research Assistant
UP Partner
August 2016 - Present (8 years 7 months)
• Collecting data on consumers, competitors and marketplaces and consolidating information into actionable items, reports and presentations;
• Investigating market activity, seeking to discover information and/or trends that might help drive the creative process;
• Analyzing and interpreting published data and statistics to identify patterns and solutions;
• Formulating plans or proposals and presenting them to senior management;
• Writing detailed reports and presenting results;
• Advising senior management on how to best use research findings;
• Providing competitive analysis on various companies’ market offerings, identifying market trends, business models and methods of operation;
• Remaining fully informed on market trends and third party research studies and implementing best practices.
Account Executive Trainee
Publicis Lisboa
September 2014 - March 2015 (6 months)
Acting as a link between clients and the agency, performing tasks such as:

• Conducting competitive reviews;
• Identifying consumer insights;
• Briefing the creative department about new advertisement campaigns, brand activations, products, clients or client requests;
• Developing new business proposals;
• Passing proposals to appropriate media/creative staff;
• Monitoring work progress and keeping in contact with clients at all stages.


Master's Degree in Applied Social Cognition

September 2013 - July 2016 (2 years 10 months)
The main goal of this master's programme is to provide the necessary competencies to research and intervene in fields such as Consumer Psychology and Social Cognition, among other subjects within the realm of applied cognition (e.g. Environmental Psychology). Social cognition is a sub-topic of social psychology that focuses on how people process, store, and apply information about other people and social situations. It focuses on the role that cognitive processes play in our social interactions.

Bachelor's Degree in Psychological Sciences

September 2010 - July 2016 (5 years 10 months)
This degree aims to grant theoretical and laboratorial competencies in basic Psychology fields as well as knowledge regarding the most important theories and methods from this discipline, essential for both global and integrated comprehension of human behavior, enabling the critical usage of knowledge and research techniques.

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