Giambattista Menna

Giambattista Menna

Art Director at The&Partnership
Rome Area, Italy, Italy

About me

I’ve been working in advertising and communication for over 15 years and specifically I’ve been in charge of projects, ranging from above the line to corporate identity, from packaging to web and unconventional media, including viral and social projects.

In the last few years I worked for these brands and companies (from A to W):
Abbott | Arc Worldwide | Better | Castelfalfi Resort | Cheil Worldwide | CTS | Danone | Erg | Ericsson | Euronics | Eutelsat | European Commission | Ford | Fiat | Galaxy | Gear | Heineken | Henry Cotton's | IED | INPS | Ironylon | Italian Cooperation | Italo | Jaguar | Johnson&Johnson | L’Espresso | Leo Burnett | Lexus | Lottomatica | Lowe and Partners | Marina Yachting | McDonalds | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Ministry of Tourism | Music Box Italia | Nissan | NTV | Ogilvy&Mather | Pfizer | Philip Morris | Piaggio | Pinko | Pirelli | Poste Italiane | Procter&Gamble | Q8 | Regione Lombardia | Repubblica | Saab | Sagra | Samsung | Scarabeo | Telecom Italia | The&Partnership | Toyota | Unilever | Varacalli | Western Union | Wind

Sector Experience
Art Director
Cheil Worldwide Inc
April 2013 - November 2016 (3 years 7 months)
I worked in Cheil (SAMSUNG Group) especially on cross advertising campaigns, social media projects, digital and classic design for these clients: Samsung, Jaguar, Heineken, Lottomatica (national lottery and online gaming ), Western Union, Cialda Mia (e-commerce of coffee pods) and Castelfalfi Resort.
Art Director
Lowe and Partners Worldwide
September 2007 - December 2012 (5 years 3 months)
Creation and production of campaigns and BTL projects for Gruppo L’Espresso - La Repubblica, Toyota, Unilever, Lottomatica, Ericsson, INPS, Ministero del Turismo, Piaggio, Q8, Pirelli Tyres, NTV - Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori.
Active involvement in new business projects, public and private pitches.
Recruitment and supervision of junior art director.
Art Director
Arc Worldwide
January 2006 - June 2007 (1 year 5 months)
Leader of a creative team in charge of the creation and production of International Solidarity Communication Project for Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Italian Cooperation.
Art Director
Milano, Italy
August 2003 - December 2005 (2 years 4 months)
I worked in Leo Burnett Design Team especially on BTL projects, POP and packaging for: Poste Italiane, Procter&Gamble, Telecom Italia, Philip Morris, McDonalds and Pfizer;
Art Director - Designer
October 1996 - July 2003 (6 years 9 months)
Ford, Fiat, Fiat Veicoli Commerciali, Toyota, Nissan, CTS, Music Box Italia, Poste Italiane, Varacalli, Ethicon, Johnson&Johnson, Olsa Informatica, Erg Petroli, Gruppo Danone, Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato, Arredamenti Aventino, NOVA Euronics e Gruppo Caltagirone.

Ogilvy&Mather, Eurotarget, Mother, Studiolinea Roma, Fickle Adv, Gruppo Mediagest e Compagniagrafica


Photography | Lomography Workshop

2009 (1 year)

Graphic Design and Illustration

1994 - 1996 (2 years)

Tecnica della Gestione Aziendale

1989 - 1994 (5 years)

Other professional activities

RONYLON ▪ Fuel & Style ▪

September 2015 - Present (9 years 6 months) Ironylon is a visual blog about motors, life/style and destinations. A highly selected photo gallery to showcase only the best from all around the world, to tell the story of a journey into the on-the-road style and the custom design culture, from the classics to the latest trends, through the most important international events of the industry. It’s about motorcycles but also yacht, vintage cars and Hot Rod, faraway destinations and hidden beautiful places. A journal made of images, dedicated to those who truly live the road, always traveling with their unique and personal style

IED | Istituto Europeo di Design

October 2009 - October 2015 (6 years)
Teacher in Art Direction, Advertising and Unconventional in Communication and Graphics courses.

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