Chris Sisarich

Chris Sisarich

Photographer at Film Construction
Auckland, New Zealand

About me

I didn’t get a camera from my Dad when I was 7, or make Super 8 movies as a kid. I didn’t even pick up a camera until I was 24. Instead my teenage years disappeared in a cloud of smoke and squealing tires. I moved to London to explore the world but ended up in South Africa where I surfed and hung out. Then I moved to Sydney where I surfed and hung out.

I needed to get my self sorted so decided I wanted to be an architect, a pilot, or an adventure guide. I became a photographer instead.

I’ve shot in Prague, LA, Egypt and Sydney, from the deserts of Mali to down-town New York, and the local studio down the road. I’ve exhibited work in New York, San Diego and Auckland. In 2013 and 2015 my work was recog-nized by Lurzer’s Archive in their ‘Top 200 Advertising Photographers World-wide’.

Now I’ve discovered moving pictures – the collaboration, the planning, and the storytelling. I love it all. To use light, motion, movement, and character as a way to create story is wonderful. Being trained to tell a story compositionally in a single frame is a useful skill for a filmmaker. And having been in front of the camera myself a few times helps me when I work with actors, models, and performers.

I love my work. I love the variety, the fact that every day is different. That I get to work with so many different and amazing people, that it takes me to far flung corners of the world. That I get to work on projects that are visually rich, emotive, striking, fashion forward, or just plain sexy. What a job.



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