Madnuh Syed
Film Director at Another Planet Films
Campaign The Anti-Bullying Bullying Videos
Advertiser Voice of the Children
Brand Voice of the Children
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2018
Business Sector Institutional/Public Interest/Non-Profit Org.
Philosophy The Campaign There are hundreds of bullying videos online on Facebook. Helpless kids getting beat to a pulp or being humiliated. Malaysians love ‘liking’ and ‘sharing’ them on Facebook to help create awareness. But sharing these videos do nothing to help except repeat the horror for these victims when they see it online. The only way to help was to actually help. So, we target these Facebook users directly by hijacking and recreating these infamous bullying videos they love to share and turning them into an anti-bullying message. This time, the often-helpless victims teach the viewers how to help. Creative Execution No one likes being sold a message. But we needed to get people on Facebook to share and watch this video without knowledge that it’s a public service announcement. So, with no media or PR budget, we leveraged on social followings of two very prominent influencers: Miss Universe Malaysia’s Deborah Henry and Malaysia’s most influential activist, Dr. Hartini Zainudin. They launched the film for us. In less than 24 hours amidst the most competitive advertising season in Malaysia, Malaysians began to share and the films went viral. Over 35,000 views in less than 24 hours with no media or PR budget involved. Even famous Malaysian actors like Susan Lankester couldn’t help but to share. The films went beyond our expectations, covered by news outlets like Marketing Interactive. Wan Azizah, a member of the new parliament, contacted ‘Voice of the Children’ just 2 hours after going live with the objective of stopping the issue of bullying. Together, Wan Azizah and Voice of the Children are putting plans in place to tackle a nationwide issue that is affecting so many schools. Throughout the course of these videos, Malaysians didn’t just talk about bullying. They talked about how to stop it. A step closer to eliminating the problem. There are hundreds of bullying videos online on Facebook. And the same ones often reappear on our social feed every few months or years. They rarely go away because people love ‘liking’ and ‘sharing’ them on Facebook in hopes of creating awareness. But it does nothing except to shame and repeat the horror for these victims online. The only way to help was to actually help. So, we recreated these infamous bullying videos that people loved sharing and turned them into an anti-bullying message to teach viewers how to actually help more than likes and shares. 3 videos with 3 different educational messages. Parents, listen to your children. Don’t be a bystander. And help the victims speak up. At the end, we told viewers that if they were going to share anything, share this film instead. Because it actually teaches you how to help
Media Type Digital
Creative Director
Creative Group Head
Head of AV & Digital Content
Film Director
Production Company Another Planet Films
Chief Creative Officer
Head of Content Production
Executive Producer

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