Linda DiProperzio

Linda DiProperzio

Freelance Developmental Editor at Callisto Media

About me

Experienced writer for websites and print publications, covering topics such as weddings, pregnancy, parenting, health, finance, and relationships. My work has appeared in The New York Times, Parents, Woman’s Day, The Knot, New Jersey Bride,,, Marie Claire, The Nest, Seventeen, Family Circle, Woman’s World, Working Mother and Prevention, among others. Clips can be viewed at

In addition, I have worked as a freelance developmental editor for Callisto Media and Penguin Random House. I have also been hired for my proofreading and copy editing skills for a variety of online and print publications.


Freelance Developmental Editor
Callisto Media
United States
January 2018 - Present (7 years)
I have worked on several projects for Callisto as a developmental editor, including The Ultimate Puberty Book for Girls, The Mental Toughness Advantage, The Outdoor Toddler Activity Book, and Mindfulness for Little Ones.

Freelance Writer
United States
December 1998 - Present (26 years 1 month)
Experienced writer covering weddings, pregnancy, parenting, health and fitness, relationships, celebrities and finance. My work has appeared in The New York Times, Parents, Woman’s Day, The Knot, New Jersey Bride,,, Marie Claire, The Nest, Seventeen, Family Circle, Woman’s World, Working Mother and Prevention, among others.


MA in Print Journalism

September 1996 - December 1998 (2 years 3 months)

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