Marketing isn’t everything – and that’s exactly why it's interesting. You’ve got to seize the zeitgeist and do something creatively excellent to get people to listen. A cross-disciplinary strategist by training, I believe in the power of picking up wisdom across all functions of our industry to get a killer end result. For me, building strong relationships and bringing high energy are key to getting stuff done.
I’m currently focussing on growing Wunderman Thompson through brand and new business activities. Career highlights so far include launching Longbranch whiskey with Matthew McConaughey, encouraging Gen Z to vote in the US with YouTube and Levis, building a branded content network of indie media publishers with Refinery29, and convincing people to watch the FIFA Women’s Football World Cup with VISA.
If you can’t find me on Zoom it’s because I’m reading, sewing, playing footie... or doing karaoke in the pub.