Demian Campos

Demian Campos

CCO at WINGS The Agency
Caracas, Venezuela

About me

I study in Rio de Janeiro, graduated from the CUCA advertising creation school. He begins his career where he always wanted to be, in front of the sea at FCB Rio de Janeiro where he managed to represent Brazil in the Young Lions as a Venezuelan.
After his return to Venezuela, the country went into a general oil strike and he was forced to leave again, experiencing another market. The European in Madrid, being hired at Contrapunto BBDO.
After 3 years in Europe he returns to Venezuela to take the position of General Creative Director at Eliaschev Saatchi & Saatchi where he worked for 4 years, while there, he receives an international offer, this time to DDB Panama as Vice President of creation.
Upon his return in 2017, he joined JWT Caracas, occupying the same position.
He has been awarded and judged in dozens of regional and global advertising festivals.
He currently opened his own agency "Wings the Agency" in the face of a thousand adversities working remotely with various creatives from different latitudes, placing it in less than two years as the most creative agency in the country.
In his spare time he is the surfing coach of his 10-year-old son, who is a great prospect according to journalists from the Venezuelan country and plays futsal with his childhood friends.
Demian Campos, (42) studies in Rio de Janeiro. He begins his career where I always want to be, in front of the sea, at FCB Rio de Janeiro, where he managed to represent Brazil in the Young Lions as a Venezuelan. Then he started to experience another market in Madrid, being hired at Contrapunto BBDO.
After his return to Venezuela at Eliaschev Saatchi & Saatchi, Venezuela enters a general oil strike and is forced to leave again, this time to DDB Panama. Upon his return, he joined JWT Caracas, occupying the position of vice president of creation.
He has been awarded and juried in dozens of regional and global advertising festivals
Currently he started with his new agency Wings the agency from Caracas, before a thousand adversities and is the surf coach of his 11-year-old son, who is a great prospect according to journalists from the Venezuelan country.

  • English - Pro
  • Spanish - Native
  • Portuguese - Basic
Caracas, Venezuela
January 2018 - Present (7 years 2 months)
Director de Arte Junior
Giovanni, FCB S/A
Sao Paulo, Brazil
February 2003 - December 2006 (3 years 10 months)
Durante mis estudios hice pasantías en Giovanni para luego quedar como Director de Arte Jr.
manejando cuentas como Jhonson&Jhonson, Nabisco, Loterj, Raid entre otras. Ahí logre ser finalista en el premio Nacional de Apple.
Panama City, Panama


Escola de Creatividade CUCA

January 2004 - June 2007 (3 years 5 months)

Sin terminar - Creativo/Director de arte

2004 - 2006 (2 years)

Other professional activities

PHNX Tribute 2020

Awards Jury Member

PHNX 2021

Awards Jury Member

PHNX 2022

Awards Jury Member

PHNX 2023

Awards Jury Member

PHNX 2025

Awards Jury Member

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