Zsófia Fribék

Zsófia Fribék

Art Director at White Rabbit Budapest
Budapest, Hungary

About me

I have been working in the advertising industry for five years. After I graduated from university, I started to work at a small printing house as a graphic designer, where I learned everything about colors, materials, printing technologies, and I fell in love with all kinds of papers. After this I followed the white rabbit and became an art director at White Rabbit Budapest. Based on my practical knowledge, I care about the execution as much as the idea. I always look for simply great ideas and nearly reasonable works that really work.
2015: HD-Honti printing house – graphic designer
2017: Clair and Curtis – graphic designer
2018: White Rabbit Budapest – graphic designer
2020: White Rabbit Budapest – art director
2021: Jury member of Gerety Awards

Other professional activities

PHNX Tribute 2020

Awards Jury Member

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