Victor Ferreira
Associate Creative Director at Energy BBDO
Chicago, United States

Victor Ferreira Interview(s)

Viewpoints about Creativity

In a few words, can you tell us who you are what your job title is?
Hi, I'm Victor Ferreira, an Associate Creative Director at Energy BBDO Chicago.
What word would you best use to describe your office’s culture? Give us an example
We have a friendly environment, like an office, where you are always welcome to reach out to each other and ask for tips and share work and references. It's a place where you are not alone when you need help or someone to talk about work.
If you were stranded on a desert island and could only use one app., which app would it be?
Question Image
Nike run, for sure, hahaha... At least I would have something to do and achieve. But for sure, it would be Instagram. I like how you can find whatever you need, like references, tips, tutorials, or even funny entertainment. Of course, you need to be careful with how you teach your algorithm, but still, a place where you can find whatever you need.
If you could choose three ads from history that you didn’t work on and add them to your portfolio, which three would you choose? Explain why
Victor Ferreira:
  • 1 Dumb ways to die, from McCann Melbourn. It gathers everything I believe in an ad: A simple thought, a fantastic craft, and adaptability for any platform—my favorite since I saw it almost ten years ago.
  • 2 Life is Eletric from Dentsu INC. I like when an idea brings to life something in the form of art. Something that you can make part of your life and collectable. The craft is amazing, the thought is simple, and you can make work wherever platform. It is just beautiful.
  • 3 Francesca from Publicis Italy. It's art. We need to sell our products. I know that. But why not try to make this in a way that adds something to society? Francesca is more than an ad reference. It also tells a fantastic message and makes people think about themselves in a way that just an excellent film can do.
What is your opinion on the growing trend of agencies getting involved with developing products for clients?


Can you watch this case study for Hammerhead Navigation and tell us your thoughts on the product and the campaign?


Partnering with an agency can bring new perspectives and aid in natural growth. A product can represent a brand's values and make it stand out. This case study proves that a powerful message can be conveyed through a product. Creating a product that positively impacts society is a viable advertising approach.

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