Why did you think it was important to join the PHNX jury this year?
It is my first time as a PHNX jury member. For me it is always super stimulating to get involved in new experiences. I believe that the spirit of openness and accessibility of PHNX can bring together very diverse perspectives that enrich the discussion on the work.
What do you think of our hybrid jury, featuring creatives but also strategists, clients and people from all corners of the industry?
Including professionals from different areas of our industry makes the winning work more solid and consistent.
What do you think of the idea of free entry until the shortlist stage?
I think it gives a golden opportunity to many agencies and creatives to measure the potential of their ideas at an important festival for the industry.
How would you define the perfect PHNX Awards winner?
By having a jury made up of clients, strategists and creatives, I believe that the works that stand out will have a perfect balance between creativity, strategy and how the idea positively impacted the business.
What is having the biggest impact on creative trends at the moment?
I believe that the pace of evolution of AI is pushing us to incorporate new tools into creative processes practically every month.
Who would you nominate as your two or three “creatives of the year”?
I think the work that Samira Ansari has been doing this year from Ogilvy New York is really impressive.