Michelle Mynhardt
Head of Brand Marketing at Lufthansa
Munich, Germany
TitleEvery story starts with a Yes
BriefDid you ever sit on a plane and asked yourself: Who are all those people around me? Where is this guy flying to and who is waiting for her? Traveling is about more than just getting from A to B. It’s about people and their stories. They travel for all kinds of reasons: big decisions, small moments, for love, or to get over it. No matter how different their worlds might be, one thing, they all have in common: They said Yes to something.“Every story starts with a Yes” is a film that captures the value beyond flying. Multiple layers contribute to a unique piece of work: An unseen storytelling connects individual narratives through a playful lense. On our cinematic journey, we observe people and their stories, imagining their backgrounds, intentions and relationships. The overall piece is driven by the spirit to craft something extraordinary, yet deeply human and relatable. The different stories come together at the end, leading to the same powerful message. An inspirational view on traveling: It all starts with a Yes.
Campaign Every story starts with a Yes
Advertiser Lufthansa
Brand Lufthansa

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