2021 KIAF Award Winners

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Audio & Radio
2021 KIAF - Best Of Contest - Sonic Branding / Branded Audio
Audio & Radio

Anti-Bullying Label

AGENCY: Saatchi & Saatchi Ukraine
BRAND: Sprite
CATEGORY: Sonic Branding / Branded Audio
AWARD: Best Of Contest
ADVERTISER: Coca-Cola Company

2021 KIAF - Silver - Native Advertising
Audio & Radio

Anti-Bullying Label

AGENCY: Saatchi & Saatchi Ukraine
BRAND: Sprite
CATEGORY: Native Advertising
AWARD: Silver
ADVERTISER: Coca-Cola Company

2021 KIAF - Bronze - Brave Idea
Audio & Radio

The thing is

AGENCY: Vintage
BRAND: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
CATEGORY: Brave Idea
AWARD: Bronze
ADVERTISER: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

2021 KIAF - Bronze - Politics & Government
Audio & Radio

The thing is

AGENCY: Vintage
BRAND: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
CATEGORY: Politics & Government
AWARD: Bronze
ADVERTISER: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine