Media Diversity Institute UK interview Carl W Jones on The Great British Ban on Gender Stereotypes in Adverts. "Censorship? Or a Step in the Right Direction?"
The Media Diversity Institute Portal is a free online resource for the global Media and Diversity community. It includes news and resources related to Media & Diversity, plus networking, blogging and debating facilities, to bring the global media and diversity community closer together and to allow them to share information, ideas and views.
Sept 11 at the 14th ‘Semiotic World Congress’ I presented my latest research into ‘Racism & Classism in Mexican Advertising’ in Spanish with a PowerPoint in English, to a mostly Brazilian audience. #internationalCommunication #advertising #racism #mexican #stereotypes #conference #mexicanmadmen #semiotica #whitexicans
Students and graduates aspiring to land a career in Public Relations attended the PRCA Careers Fair, sponsored by the Public Relations and Advertising BA Honours course at the University of Westminster.
Students and graduates aspiring to land a career in Public Relations attended the PRCA Careers Fair, sponsored by the Public Relations and Advertising BA Honours course at the University of Westminster.