Margenett Moore-Roberts

Margenett Moore-Roberts

Chief Inclusion & Diversity Officer at IPG DXTRA
United States

About me

I enable companies to transform their brands by using Inclusion, Equity & Diversity as strategic differentiators for their business.

Sector Experience


Chief Inclusion & Diversity Officer
United States
January 2020 - Present (5 years 2 months)
Margenett is the Chief Inclusion & Diversity Officer for IPG DXTRA and leads the Office of Business Relevance, Inclusion & Equity (OBRIE) with a charter to drive alignment, collaboration, and business growth through the lens of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) across IPG DXTRA’s collective of agency brands.
Chief Inclusion Officer
Chicago, United States
May 2018 - Present (6 years 10 months)
VP, Global Head, Inclusive Diversity
Yahoo! Inc.
United States
March 2013 - July 2017 (4 years 4 months)
VP, Global Head, Inclusive Diversity Mar 2016 – Jul 2017
I built Yahoo's Office of Inclusive Diversity from scratch. Developing everything from the corporate vision, business mandate, learning curriculum, and operating strategy.

Highlights include:

Created Yahoo's Inclusion Story - shifted focus from passive diversity to the active practice of inclusion.
Coached and developed executive tier of organization to help “make the connection” between inclusion and business success, identified opportunities to expand global impact and increase engagement with diverse audiences.
Authored and administered corporate-wide & org-level culture assessments to determine the climate for inclusion
Developed awareness and learning curriculum: Authentic & Inclusive Leadership to educate all employees on the inclusion mandate and to support execution
Assembled 1st Strategic Diversity Council, developed charter with senior and executive leaders across the organization to develop and drive inclusion initiatives aligned to Yahoo's workforce, workplace and marketplace
Drove the creation and adoption of Yahoo's 1st set of corporate Inclusion Values
Set an Inclusion mandate for business units, governing bodies and corporate events
- Inclusive messaging on Yahoo's Homepage and the SF Billboard to tie inclusion to Yahoo's corporate identity.
- Enabled environment for 1st 100% Spanish Yahoo ad
- Enabled 1st Diversity in Beauty awards on Yahoo Beauty
Drove the development and delivery of Bias in Hiring training; optimizing entire hiring lifecycle to maximize opportunity for more diversity
Increased diverse hiring rates from 7% - 19% up to 12% - 34%
Amplified ERG Program through unified mission and added 3 new employee-driven ERGs
Developed Partnership strategy and programs to advance inclusion initiatives and promote Yahoo as a thought-leader in the inclusion and diversity space.

Sr. Director, Video Advertising Strategy Jan 2013 – Feb 2016
Develop and drive execution of Yahoo!'s video advertising strategy with emphasis on developing off-property video advertising solutions to complement Yahoo!'s suite of premium O&O video solutions.
General Manager, Video Monetization
Genome from Yahoo (formerly interclick)
United States
September 2011 - January 2013 (1 year 4 months)
Established video network business from scratch, developing all aspects of the business including sales, product, marketing, distribution and operational strategies
Vice President, Client Services & Ad Operations
Tremor Media
United States
November 2010 - June 2011 (7 months)
Post-merger integration of Ad Operations & Client Services team.
VP, Ad Operations & Client Services
ScanScout (merged with Tremor Media November 2010)
June 2007 - November 2010 (3 years 5 months)
Built Ad Operations & Client Services groups from scratch, drove cross-functional collaboration, grew and protected revenues, process engineering and documentation.
VP, Client Services
Muze Inc.
2001 - 2007 (6 years)
Established Client Services group as a strategic differentiator for the company. Completely revamped roles, responsibilities, service philosophies, and department mission to develop the industry’s best Client Services organization.
Director, Client Services
June 2000 - July 2001 (1 year 1 month)
Managed subscriber support services. Significantly reduced support costs and volume by developing and implementing self-help solutions to support 400,000+ subscribers on free, hand-held software solutions
Director, Client Services
August 1999 - June 2000 (10 months)
Established Client Services group, integrated newly acquired companies. Subject of documentary
Director, Client Services
C2 Media
1998 - 1999 (1 year)


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

December 2020 - December 2020 (1 second)

Diversity & Inclusion

2016 - 2017 (1 year)
Completed the Cornell ILR Diversity &amp; Inclusion certificate, including coursework on:<br><br>The Law and Equal Employment Opportunity<br>Fundamentals of Diversity &amp; Inclusion Inititiaves<br>Inclusive Diversity &amp; Inclusion Talent Management<br>Effective Diversity &amp; Inclusion Counciles<br>Diversity &amp; Inclusion Education &amp; Training<br>Competencies to Advance Diversity and Inclusion Strategies<br>Emerging Trends: Recalibrating Diversity and Inclusion<br>

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